Donald Trumped, Nuked Gingrich, A Broken CD-Romney, Cain is Able, Pawlenty to Choose From

There has already been several Republican candidates who’ve thrown their hat into the ring, while the Democrats remain in tactful hiding. Read on for The Simple Facts opinion on some of these possible presidential wannabes.

Donald John Trump Senior: He sounded serious at the beginning and almost looked good, but Donald Trump is turning sour on a lot of people. And now people are finding out that he actually likes President Obama, and has joined in the ranks with the democrats in calling Paul Ryan’s budget plan “extreme.” The same plan I, with other commentators, said was not enough. Trump says that, “He [Ryan] ought to sit back and relax.” Relax? With these problems? Relax? Gives you an idea of what Trump will be doing in the oval office.

Even worse, Trump was labelled a Democrat by the Daily Kos… Uh, when the Daily Kos calls you a democrat, you’re pretty deep in the blue. In an interview with Wolf Blitzer, the Donald not only said that he thinks of himself as a democrat, but believes the democrats have better economic policies. And when asked if there is a right to privacy in the Constitution he said, “I guess there is.” I also guess Trump doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

He also believes we should have universal healthcare and that Bush should have been impeached for “lying” us into a war. He used to think Bush was the worst President in American history (and evil), then Carter, now Obama. Wait? I thought he liked Obama? I thought Donald said Obama’s done an “amazing job?” He did. Donald Trump has also supported a state using eminent domain so that he could build a limousine parking lot for his customers.

The Donald gets two thumbs down from The Simple Facts.

Newton Leroy Gingrich: Ol’ Newt is the latest addition to the candidate merry-go-round. Recently releasing the video where he stares at you with a nalstagic look in his eye, saying things like: “I worked with President Ronald Reagan.” And, “In the 90’s I cut about 4 whole dollars from the deficit. And we can do it again.” Okay, that last one was me putting words in his mouth. But who cares? The number he mentions is somewhere around $405 billion — and that’s not real money, is it? $405 billion out of the $5.1 trillion deficit from 1996 comes to about 7%. That’s not enough. (Because of his $4 he has now labelled himself a “debt-buster” which sounds to me like something you get from Dairy Queen.)

As far as I’m concerned Newt Gingrich has become politically stale, we’re all a little tired him by now. You either think you like him, or you hate him. He’s a good historian, but also a lightning rod for the democrats. Chances of Newt getting through it this time are slim. But hey, as long has he “fights them on the beaches,” right? (Investors Business Daily seems to think he has a good chance though.) You don’t sound serious enough Newt, sorry. The Simple Facts can only give you a 7% thumbs up and a 93% thumbs down.

Willard Mitt Romney: Romney, one time loser for president in 2008, former governor of Massachusetts. Last time he was in a public office he messed up Massachusetts by passing a public health care system. Romney has drawn a substantial amount of criticism from his passage of health care, which is why he delivered the speech he did. “A lot of pundits around the nation are saying I should say ‘this whole thing was a mistake.’” Romney said. “There’s only one problem with that: it wouldn’t be honest.” Mark Steyn sums it up well:

If I understand him correctly, his argument is that the salient point about RomneyCare and ObamaCare is not that they’re both disasters, but that one’s local and the other’s national, and that Obama has a one-disaster-fits-all approach to health care whereas Romney believes in letting a thousand disasters bloom. Celebrate diversity!

If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem. RomneyCare is not part of the solution; it embodies the problem. If Mitt Romney cannot recognize that, it’s unlikely that he’s the guy to pull American politics back into a passing acquaintance with reality.” –Mark Steyn with Investors Business Daily

I agree with this. While Romney has found an interesting tactical retreat in saying he doesn’t support national government healthcare but state healthcare, my biggest problem is that he still agrees with governmental healthcare in principal. He thinks it’s unconstitutional for the government to force everyone to buy healthcare, that’s the states job! But really, if Romney thinks the only thing stopping the Federal government from legitimately enacting healthcare is the 10th Amendment, he is still putting the government in the wrong role. A role that will not solve our country’s problems.

Sorry Romney, I’m afraid you’re a thumbs down.

Herman Cain: With all the advantages of Trump (being a businessman) and without being as crazy, Herman Cain comes out on top. You can read a long article by Robert Costa with National Review that outlines his experience and popularity. From what I’ve heard so far he’s perhaps the most able and straightforward Republican candidate out of the bunch. As he said, “Most of the people who are in elective office in Washington, D.C., they have held public office before…How’s that workin’ for you?”

This guy has beat poverty, beat bankruptcy, beat cancer and is growing in popularity. He’s cleaned bathrooms at Burger King, worked at Coca-Cola, served as a vice president for Pillsbury and, because he was that good, was appointed as president of Godfather’s Pizza. Godfather’s Pizza was a failing company, he brought it back to a thriving business within two years.

Rush Limbaugh commented on Cain’s recent debate, “Herman Cain made me think I was listening to me in every answer.” While there are some areas where his opinions remain remain unknown, he knows the meaning and value of hard work, he’s a problem solver, he’s a breath of fresh air, and he’s straight-up. So, Herman Cain wins the support of The Simple Facts. Thumbs up.

Timothy James Pawlenty: Despite his commanding name, this man is moderate. He served as the 39th governor of Minnesota from 2003-2011. He’s been described as charismatic and “politically talented.” That doesn’t sound good. Even worse, he used to support cap-and-trade. Now he calls it a “mistake.” I hope he doesn’t make any of those “mistakes” if he becomes president.

As featured by Ramesh Ponnuru on National Review:

Pawlenty’s answers to these concerns do not, for the most part, set him apart from other Republicans. He thinks that entitlement spending — he calls it “autopilot spending” — needs to be reformed. Specifically, he wants to cap Medicaid spending and divvy it up among the states to spend as they see fit; alter the Social Security benefits formula so that high earners get less; and — here he gets vague, which also makes him like most Republicans — reform Medicare’s payment system. Fannie and Freddie should be privatized. Obamacare should be repealed. The Fed should rethink quantitative easing, a “preposterous” idea that is “already starting” to create “massive inflationary pressures.” TARP should at the very least have been tougher on its beneficiaries and should not be repeated.” –Ramesh Ponnuru on National Review

I don’t know about you but I read a lot of “reform” and “cap.” Not “cut” and “abolish.” He thinks spending should be “reformed” not stopped? He thinks that TARP should have been a little rougher, not that it shouldn’t have existed? He thinks Medicaid spending should be “capped” not cut? Sound’s like he would rather plug the leak with a rag than cut off the water and call a plumber.

George W. Bush lost the state of Minnesota on both of his runs, Pawlenty has managed to win Minnesota twice. What does that tell you? Pawlenty is somewhere between a Bush republican and a Kerry democrat. Is that who we really want? Pawlenty is too moderate to withstand the winds of the opposition, he’s not the sort of person that will send me skipping to the election booth. For a minute I thought you were okay Tim, but now it’s thumbs down.

Who our next president is will determine which path America heads, further down, or pulling up. As Mark Steyn pointed out, if our next president is not the solution, he’s the problem. We can’t settle any more for half-baked ideas, moderation, compromise, procrastination, half-measures, baffling expedients and delays. As Thomas Paine once said:

I am inclined to believe, that all those who espouse the doctrine of reconciliation, may be included within the following descriptions. Interested men, who are not to be trusted; weak men who cannot see; [and] prejudiced men who will not see…” -Thomas Paine in Common Sense

Compromise doesn’t solve anything, it takes the worst parts from both sides and puts them together, forming a “non-solution.” We can’t afford moderation, we need a solution. Vote informed, vote wisely.

Michael Ramirez


P.S. Huckabee is supposed to say if he’s running tonight… Better put this online before I have to talk about him.

One comment

  1. David Fawcett · · Reply

    Newt Gingrich – Global Warming

    New Gingrich – Ryan’s Budget Plan is “Right-wing Social Engineering”

    I feel like Herman Cain isn’t getting any media attention. I believe this is because he has never held a public office. It feels like the media is already picking who should win.

    Where is Michele Bachmann?

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